Mercury OLSR Service Discovery

Mercury is a Service Discovery implementation for Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs) made by Joakim Flathagen (flathagen[a]

Automatic discovery of services and resources is a crucial feature to achieve the expected user-friendliness in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Due to limited computing power, scarce bandwidth, high mobility and the lack of a central coordinating entity, service discovery in these networks is a challenging task.

The Mercury OLSR plugin solves service discovery in Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs). Analysis and simulation results show that the service discovery proposal induces very low overhead to OLSR and is superior to application layer solutions.


J. Flathagen, K. Øvsthus, Service Discovery using OLSR and Bloom Filters, Proc. of the 4th OLSR Interop & Workshop, Oct 14-16, 2008, Ottawa, Canada Download paper

J. Flathagen, Service Discovery in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Master Thesis University of Oslo, 2008 Download thesis or read abstract


Go to Mercury home page: Mercury


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